How To Get Portfolio Feedback

HOW TO GET FEEDBACK AND NETWORK AT EXPO/CONVENTIONS As professional storytellers, we might want to go to expos or conventions, trying to get some portfolio feedback. And as the first Lightbox Expo is coming up on September 6th, I thought this could be a good time to share some tips!  I was at the last…

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Storytelling: Simple is not Easy

Taking complex things and simplify them to their core is one of the hardest things to do. Whether in design or storytelling, it takes years to master this skill. In the first draft of a story, we will put on the page all the information that we will instinctively feel should be told. Yet, the…

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The Storyboard Revisionist

I find that even many people who work in animation end up asking “what does a storyboard revisionist do??”. So, I thought it would be interesting to talk about it a bit, especially for students and those who are just starting out in the animation industry.

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