Where can we find inspiration? Or even better, how?
We often have this misconception that inspiration comes to us, yet I know from my own experience that such a concept didn’t work in my favor. And yes, of course, you can look at books, videos, or webpages looking for inspiration. That can work sometimes. But even then, you will often find yourself wasting a lot of time and getting sidetracked or distracted.
So, how do we call the muse to us? How do we get the famous divine inspiration to assist us in our creative endeavours?
I will let you in a secret: When I sat down to write this post, I wasn’t inspired. I just woke up at 6:15 am in the morning not feeling particularly creative. Yet, I sat down, opened my laptop with my cup of coffee, and start thinking without distractions. Then a small idea, a seed, came to mind. I started playing with it, writing some words. After that, the idea started to grow and take shape; my brain started connecting other information to it and here I am, “inspired” to write.
One of the connections my brain made was to something I read in “On Writing” by Stephen King ( https://geni.us/Dcw5beB Amazon*). King says that the muse does in fact exist, but it is not a beautiful lady like in ancient Greek mythology, a figure that comes and visits you out of the blue. “[The muse] He lives in the ground. He is a basement guy. You have to descend to his level, and once you get down there you have to furnish an apartment for him to live in.”
So, we have to start. We have to do the hard work in order to become inspired. We have to go down the stairs and feed this basement guy. I am not saying that it is easy to start moving the first gear, but rest assured that once the second gear is in motion, nothing will stop you from moving forward.
So, let’s get to work!
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